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Feb 10, 2015


Starving: The hungry six-year-old lion was suffering from mange, a type of skin disease, and had become detached from his pride
Bloody battle: Dramatic images capture the lion biting and clawing at the buffalo's mouth, the big cat's face smeared with blood and dust
Exhausted: Both battle-worn animals appear to have little energy left after fighting for an hour in the national park in Zambia
Clinging on: The lion digs his claws into the buffalo's face as he attempts to pull the animal downwards to deliver a killer bite
Final attack: The lion sinks his teeth into the buffalo's mouth - but the attack is not enough to bring down the much larger animal
Battle for survival: The incredible pictures were taken by Matt Armstrong-Ford, 25, an amateur photographer from Eastbourne

Herd arrives: As the lion prepares to rise, more buffalo arrive with another of the animals delivering a lethal blow to the feline
Fatal wounds: Both animals died as a result of the clash. The lion succumbed to injuries two days later while the buffalo later died of infection
Nothing left to give: The majestic badly-wounded animal died two days after the battle in the South Luangwa National Park in Zambia

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